Estudio del comportamiento del hormigon armado ante esfuerzos normales y tangentes. The main results obtained in this study are summarised as follows. Recipientes esfricos y cilndricos sometidos a presin. Descargue como pptx, pdf, txt o lea en linea desde scribd. Torsion, esferzo biaxiales y recipiente a presion trabajos. For example, with proper clamping systems,27, this platform can perform planar uniaxial and biaxial tensile testing of biological tissues. This program calculates the principal and normal stresses in threedimensions. The option of integrating a modular and custom clamping system opens up the possibility for many applications in cell mechanobiology and tissue mechanics using a single stretching platform. A novel stretching platform for applications in cell and. Donde vfuerza cortante interna, mmomento flector interno, qwfuerza distribuida externa.
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